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PAMS XLVIII Annual Convention

Maria Sanders | Published on 7/27/2021

XLVIII Annual Convention
General Assembly PAMS Endowment Fund and PAMS Para el Perú (PPP) 

DATE:  August 14, 2021, 2 pm Eastern Time / 1 pm Lima & Central / 12 pm Mountain / 11 am Pacific / 8 am Hawaii Time
LOCATION:  Via Zoom.  By Invitation to Active PAMS Membership

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  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of Minutes of the XLVII Assembly, September 19, Virtual Convention
  3. President’s Report – Dr. Ronald L. Mera
  4. Honorary Guest – Mr. Roque Benavidez, President, Buenaventura Mines 
  5. Treasurer’s Report / Report of Endowment Fund - Mrs. Astrid Valdivieso and 

    Mr. Luis Strohmeier

  6. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee – Dr. Willy Rios-Araico
    2. Educational Committee – Dr. Manuel Valdivieso
    3. Finance and Marketing Committee – Mrs. Astrid Valdivieso 
    4. Publications Committee – Mr. David Moretz
    5. Medical Missions Committee – Dr. Juan Carlos Alejos
    6. New Members Committee – Dr. Iracema Arevalo
    7. Chapter Presidents Committee – Dr. Pablo Uceda
    8. Nominations Committee – Dr. Cesar Aranguri

      Announcement of elections for 2021-2022:  President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Members at Large

  7. Advisory Council of Past Presidents – Dr. Luis Espinoza
  8. Auxiliary Committee – Dr. Bertha Torres Mera
  9. PAMS Para el Perú (PPP) – Dr. Oscar Miranda, Ms. Fabiola Roura
           a. PAMS Polyclinic Chincha – Dr. Solania Tello
  10. Presentation of Awards:  Lifetime Achievement, Humanitarian – Dr. Miguel Vasquez
  11. New Business
  12. Announcements
  13. Adjournment