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Reporte Misiones Médicas Humanitarias Chavín Topará - Policlínico PAMS Chincha 2021

Fabiola G Roura Moreno | Published on 12/26/2021

Dear PAMS members:


As we close 2021, I wanted to provide you with an update on the PAMS Polyclinic in Chincha, Perú. Although we have not been able to organize medical missions from the U.S. due to the pandemic, we are pleased to report that the PAMS Polyclinic is doing well and we are reaching out to people in need of medical care in smaller communities in Chincha. Under the leadership of the Medical Director, Dr. Solania Tello Del Mar, we are keeping the Polyclinic operationally stable, and have expanded and developed fruitful relationships with local industries to obtain resources to cover the gap of caring for the needy.

In addition to providing medical services at the PAMS Polyclinic, the medical team was able to conduct five medical missions to small communities in the sierra of Chincha during the months of November and December 2021. We focused on Chavin, Topara and 11 other smaller communities in partnership with a local Mining Company, Nexa Resources.

We thank you for the opportunity to serve the people of Perú in the community of Chincha and for the blessing of having capable and committed leadership working at your Polyclinic. From all of us, please receive our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year! 

Manuel Valdivieso, MD, MS, CPE

President, Directory,

PAMS Polyclinic, Chincha, Perú